Recent Episodes

Sept. 20, 2023

E78: Packogen

So Hillel pronounced the word "Packaging" weird, and we couldn't get over it. And in other news, we talked about the (upcoming at the time) Apple event! Yeah yeah, old news, but it was Rosh Hashana, so it was hard to find eno...

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Aug. 8, 2023

E77: Cancel Import Taxes

Aaaaand we're back! For a mid-summer podcast. It's hot outside and you're here for the hot takes. Welcome! We spoke about: LK-99 room temperature superconductors

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July 25, 2023

Episode 76: Thread It

Yeah, it's been intense recently. And this episode is later than we would have liked, but loyal Bootstrap listeners know the drill :) We spoke about being in a post-Threads world, Israeli cyber startups suing one another, wh...

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July 9, 2023

E75: Pre-Threads World

Yup- this was recorded back in the day. Before it all changed. Before... THREADS. Those were simpler times, eh? When Twitter was *the* place to post inane thoughts in 280 characters, and Bluesky, Post, etc. were all trying...

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June 28, 2023

E74: I would do anything for love, but I won't install Edge

WELCOME BACK! Episode 74, and kicking ass. Aaaaand Hillel no longer finds ChatGPT useful. We went from "this is the greatest tool ever that will take over humanity" to "meh" reeeeeal quick. (Aka, Classic Hillel :) We spoke ...

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June 18, 2023

E72: Instagram Toaster

This episode has been lost thanks to Hillel's audio issues. Please check out episode 73. GET IT!

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