E75: Pre-Threads World

Yup- this was recorded back in the day. Before it all changed. Before... THREADS.
Those were simpler times, eh? When Twitter was *the* place to post inane thoughts in 280 characters, and Bluesky, Post, etc. were all trying to catch up. Ahhhh yes, simpler times.
Now by the time this goes live, who knows? Maybe Threads will be so big that Meta will be renamed to "Threads"? WHO KNOWS, ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AT THIS POINT!?!
Also, we'd like to remind everyone that we bear no responsibility for Hillel's views, and we've even created a direct link to complain to him on Twitter about how silly and out of touch some of his opinions are here. Please, use it!
Aaaaanyway.. Shoutouts!
- Hillel: (Free stuff that) Joby (gave him)
- Itamar: More or Less Podcast, featuring the Morins and Lessins
- Guy: Dave
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