
Sept. 20, 2023

E78: Packogen

So Hillel pronounced the word "Packaging" weird, and we couldn't get over it. And in other news, we talked about the (upcoming at the time) Apple event! Yeah yeah, old news, but it was Rosh Hashana, so it was hard to find eno...

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Aug. 8, 2023

E77: Cancel Import Taxes

Aaaaand we're back! For a mid-summer podcast. It's hot outside and you're here for the hot takes. Welcome! We spoke about: LK-99 room temperature superconductors https://www.theverge.com/23820077/lk-99-superconductor-exper...

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July 25, 2023

Episode 76: Thread It

Yeah, it's been intense recently. And this episode is later than we would have liked, but loyal Bootstrap listeners know the drill :) We spoke about being in a post-Threads world, Israeli cyber startups suing one another, wh...

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July 9, 2023

E75: Pre-Threads World

Yup- this was recorded back in the day. Before it all changed. Before... THREADS. Those were simpler times, eh? When Twitter was *the* place to post inane thoughts in 280 characters, and Bluesky, Post, etc. were all trying...

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June 28, 2023

E74: I would do anything for love, but I won't install Edge

WELCOME BACK! Episode 74, and kicking ass. Aaaaand Hillel no longer finds ChatGPT useful. We went from "this is the greatest tool ever that will take over humanity" to "meh" reeeeeal quick. (Aka, Classic Hillel :) We spoke ...

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June 18, 2023

E72: Instagram Toaster

This episode has been lost thanks to Hillel's audio issues. Please check out episode 73. GET IT!

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June 18, 2023

E73: 73 Seasons

Welcome to episode 73 of Bootstrap! Why not 72? Because we lost the episode. AND IT WAS A GOOD ONE. Anyway, we were back in saddle this week, and we were shot out of a cannon! So what did we talk about? The N...

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May 14, 2023

E71: Degenerative AI

Welcome to episode 71 of Bootstrap! Hillel went to the British embassy's coronation celebration. Why? Because Hillel is a world class British historian, duh. So what did we talk about? The most obscure TikTok genres that th...

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May 2, 2023

E70: Blue Sky

Welcome to episode 70 of Bootstrap! In this exciting installment, we dive into the hot topic of Twitter's new character limits and the impact it has on users. But the excitement doesn't stop there - during our live recording,...

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April 9, 2023

E69: Chromebooks are punishments

We talk about AI a lot, because that's what's in the news. But also, this week there was AR news that *wasn't* silly! So what did we talk about? Twitter released the source code for their for you algo https://techcrunch.com/...

Listen to the Episode
March 29, 2023

E68: Twitter Blue Premium

That's right! Hillel wasn't paying attention, and upgraded to Twitter Blue on iOS, instead of desktop. Oooh, fancy shmancy! So what did we talk about? Twitter Blue is rolling out globally, and legacy verified blue checks are...

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March 20, 2023

E67: Math is important

Very short one this week, but we figured we'll give the fans what they want. *Some* Bootstrap is better than none, right?? So what did we talk about? AI. And if it's going to be detrimental to our kids in the future. (Spoil...

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March 14, 2023

E66: The power of a unicorn

Never a dull moment! We basically just spoke about the collapse of SVB, the runs on other regional banks, and how the sky feels like it's falling, in general. So what did we talk about? SVB. Shoutouts! Guy: ClipChamp http://w...

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Feb. 19, 2023

E65: Bootstrap Ultra

A non-political episode! (Mostly). Lots more BinGPT in the news, and unfortunately more layoffs... And Hillel was back on his phone way too much. Classic. So what did we talk about? Apple is considering releasing a more expe...

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Feb. 13, 2023

E64: Pent Up Opinions

Well, we all agreed it was unfortunate for politics to mix with tech news. But the news is the news, so after a few weeks off (and you'll find out why), Hillel was ready to explode. We let him rant! He also called in from ...

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Jan. 4, 2023

E63: 2023 Predictions (of course)

I know, pretty predictable to have a predictions show. (See what we did there?) And we can't really give it all away here in the show notes, so you'll just have to listen... But, we can say that things got weirdly heated agai...

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Dec. 29, 2022

E62: 2022 Prediction Roundup!

We went into the archives from one year ago to hear all of our 2022 predictions. And boy, were we *way off* on most of them. But, Hillel nailed a few of them! (Hint: the metaverse is still not mainstream :) So enjoy this we...

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Dec. 11, 2022

E61: Generated by ChatGPT

(The following has been generated completely by ChatGPT) Welcome to our podcast episode! In this episode, we discuss Kanye West's suspension from Twitter, the rise of ChatGPT, and Spotify's new "wrapped" feature. And in a str...

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Nov. 27, 2022

E60: 5G is worth it

It took a year, and all Itamar had to do was click 1 button... and now he found out that 5G is actually fantastic. Old news, right? Don't get me started. It's unfortunate that there are more layoff stories in the news, but t...

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Nov. 18, 2022

E59: Sh*tstorm

I don't know if you noticed, but it's an absolute sh*tstorm in the tech industry, and the wider economy too. But have no fear! It's a medical fact that listening to this episode will make you feel better. So what did we tal...

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Nov. 9, 2022

E58: Verified

By the time you listen to this, who knows what will be of Twitter? Did Elon sell it? Was it acquired by Papa John's Pizza? WHO KNOWS AT THIS POINT. Layoffs. Recession. Chaos. Wonderful. So what did we talk about? Twitter ve...

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Oct. 30, 2022

E57: Hilye

That's right! Apparently Hil-ye West joined us as a guest this week. So what did we talk about this time? Kanye's breakdown (on some tech podcasts too...) Elon bought Twitter! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1585341984679...

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Sept. 18, 2022

E56: Dynamic Peninsula

Happy iPhone Event Roundup Week! Hillel got confused about what vegans do in their bedrooms, and is annoyed by Android haters. Androiders- go get him! So what did we talk about this time? The new iPhone and Apple Watch event...

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Sept. 4, 2022

E55: It’s August

Did we mention that it was august when we recorded this? WAS August. Isn’t now. Anyway, as you expect in August, the news was a little slow. But, we did talk a lot about Oculus, Zucks’s performance on JRE, and BeReal. And Hil...

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